Thanks to support from the CZYI's sponsors and partners, all educational resources created by the Carbon Zero Youth Initiative are available free for download by educators, youth groups, and volunteers.
To download, please fill out the info form at the bottom of the page to go to the downloads page! ​​
Buildy Plan-It Asks: Why do Buildings Need Climate Heroes?
Introductory Video highlighting why buildings matter to the climate and careers supporting carbon-conscious building.
(3 minutes) Age range: 7-12
What Building Climate Hero Will You Be? "Fortune Teller"
Print-out hands-on activity (5 minutes)
Age range: 7+
Featuring career profiles for:
Architects, Structural Engineers, Construction Managers, Materials Producers, Materials Scientists, Facilities Managers, Deconstruction Experts, and Electrical Engineers.
Note: this print-out is offered in two versions; one suited to printers that can print close to the edge of standard 8.5x11 page and one that is slightly smaller, compatible with any print settings but requiring addition trimming on all four sides.
To download, please fill out the info form at the bottom of the page to go to the downloads page!
Eco Mission: MATERIALS
Print-and-Play Board Game
(20-30 minutes) Age range: 10+
In this game, you work as a team, race the clock to travel through the life cycle of a material. At each stage, you’ll see how carbon emissions add up along the way and work to reduce your carbon score. Suitable for youth, college students, and professionals.
Available in full color and printer-friendly greyscale.
To download, please fill out the info form at the bottom of the page to go to the downloads page!

Why Do Buildings Need Climate Heroes?